There are also a number of related service options that can be configured at this stage:
SNMP Enables netsnmp in the Console Server which will keep a remote log of all posted
information. SNMP is disabled by default. To modify the default SNMP settings, the
Administrator must make the edits at the command line as described in Chapter 15 –
Advanced Configuration
TFTP The Console Servers set up default TFTP server on the USB flash card. This server can
be used to store config files, maintain access and transaction logs, etc.
Ping Allows the Console Server to respond to incoming ICMP echo requests. Ping is
enabled by default, however, for security reasons this service should generally be
disabled post initial configuration
And there are some serial port access parameters that can be configured on this menu:
Base The Console Server uses specific default ranges for the TCP/IP ports for the various
access services that Users and Administrators can use to access devices attached to
serial ports (as covered in Chapter 4 – Configuring Serial Ports). The Administrator
can also set alternate ranges for these services, and these secondary ports will then
be used in addition to the defaults.
The default TCP/IP base port address for Telnet access is 2000, and the range for
Telnet is IP Address: Port (2000 + serial port #) i.e. 2001 – 2048. So if the
Administrator were to set 8000 as a secondary base for Telnet then serial port #2 on
the Console Server can be Telnet accessed at IP Address: 2002 and at IP Address:
The default base for SSH is 3000; for Raw TCP is 4000; for RFC2217 it is 5000 and for
Unauthenticated Telnet it is 6000.
The B092-016 Console Server with PowerAlert also presents some additional service and
configuration options:
VNC The B092-016 Console Server has an internal VNC server. When enabled, it allows
remote users to connect to the Console Server and run the PowerAlert software
and any other embedded thin client programs as if they were plugged in locally to
the KVM connectors on the B092-016 (refer to Chapter 16 for more details). Users
connect using port 5900 and need to run
a VNC client applet
Secure VNC This enables a secure encrypted remote connection using VNC over SSL on port
5800 to the B092-016 Console Server (refer to Chapter 16)
PowerAlert This configuration option will automatically start the PowerAlert application on
the B092-016 and display the console as soon as you log into the local display or
VNC session (refer to Chapter 16). The complete PowerAlert manual can be
downloaded at