The second redirection is for the VNC service that the user may choose to launch later from the RAC web
console. It automatically loads in a Java client served through the web browser, so it does not need a
local client associated with it.
On the Add Service screen, you can click Add as many times as needed to add multiple new port
redirections and associated clients
You may also specify Advanced port redirection options:
Enter the local address to bind to when creating the local endpoint of the redirection. It is not
usually necessary to change this from "localhost".
Enter a local TCP port to bind to when creating the local endpoint of the redirection. If this is left
blank, a random port will be selected.
Note SDT Connector can also tunnel UDP services. SDT Connector tunnels the UDP traffic through
the TCP SSH redirection, so in effect it is a tunnel within a tunnel.
Enter the UDP port on which the service is running on the host. This will also be the local UDP
port that SDT Connector binds as the local endpoint of the tunnel.
Note that for UDP services, you still need to specify a TCP port under General. This will be an
arbitrary TCP port that is not in use on the gateway. An example of this is the SOL Proxy service.
It redirects local UDP port 623 to remote UDP port 623 over the arbitrary TCP port 6667