B096-016 B096-048 and B092-016 User Manual Page 211
16.2.2 System: Shutdown / Reboot
Clicking System: Shutdown on the control panel will shut down the B092-016 system. You will need to
cycle the power to reactivate the B092-016 with a soft reset.
Similarly, by clicking System: Reboot, you will initiate a soft reset. With a soft reset, the B092-016
reboots with all settings such as the assigned network IP address, preserved. However a soft reset
disconnects all Users and ends any SSH sessions that had been established.
A soft reset will also occur when you switch OFF power from the B092-016, and then switch the power
back ON. However, if you cycle the power while the unit is writing to flash, you could corrupt or lose
data, so the software Shutdown or Reboot from the control panel is the safer option.
16.2.3 System: Logout
Clicking System: Logout closes the local user log in session (and removes the control panel). However,
this does not logout remote users who may be logged into the B092-016 Console Server, or accessing
attached devices using SSH tunneling.
16.2.4 Custom
The Custom button on the control panel enables you to customize your B092-016 by adding buttons to
the control panel that execute bash and other Linux commands you specify.
16.2.5 Status
These menu items give the user a snapshot of the serial port and IPMI device status.
16.2.6 Logs
These menu items give the user an audit log of B092-016 activity.