Add a Username and a confirmed Password for each new User. You may also include
information related to the user (e.g. contact details) in the Description field
Nominate Accessible Hosts and Accessible Ports to specify which serial ports and which LAN
connected hosts you wish the user to have access to
Specify which Group (or Groups) you wish the user to be a member of.
Click Apply
Your new user will now be able to access the nominated network devices and the devices attached to
the nominated serial ports.
Note There are no specific limits on the number of users you can set up; nor on the number of users
per serial port or host. Multiple users (Users and Administrators) can control/monitor one port or
host. Similarly there are no specific limits on the number of Groups and each user can be a
member of a number of Groups (in which case they take on the cumulative access privileges of
each of those Groups). A user does not have to be a member of any Groups (but if the User is
not even a member of the default user group then they will not be able to use the Management
Console to manage ports).
Note that while there are no specific limits, the time to re-configure does increase as the number
and complexity increases so we recommend the aggregate number if users and groups be kept
under 250 (or 1000 for B092-016)
The Administrator can also edit the access settings for any existing users:
Select Serial & Network: Users & Groups and click Edit for the User to be modified
4.3 Authentication
Refer to Chapter 9.1 - Remote Authentication Configuration for authentication configuration details
4.4 Network Hosts
To access a locally networked computer or appliances (referred to as a Host), you must identify the
network connected Host; and then specify the TCP or UDP ports/services that are permitted to be used
for communicating to that Host: