
B096-016 B096-048 and B092-016 User Manual Page 154
14.2 Administration Configuration
System Settings
To change system settings to the following values:
System Name og.mydomain.com
System Password (root account) secret
System SMTP Server
System SMTP Sender og@mydomain.com
The following commands must be issued:
# /bin/config –-set=config.system.name=og.mydomain.com
# /bin/config –-set=config.system.password= #secret
# /bin/config –-set=config.system.smtp.server=
# /bin/config –-set=config.system.smtp.sender=og@mydomain.com
The following command will synchronize the live system with the new configuration:
# /bin/config –-run=systemsettings
The Console Server does not store user passwords in plain text so when manually setting the
passwords using config -set you need to hash the “secret” and enter the hashed password
(#secret). (One easy way to generate a hashed password is to run perl -e 'print crypt("", "")' on a
Perl enabled box)
Authentication Configuration
You can configure the system remote authentication with the following settings:
Remote Authentication Method LDAP
Server IP Address
Server Password Secret
LDAP Base Node Some base node
By issuing the following commands:
# /bin/config –-set=config.auth.type=LDAP