
Users can be authorized to access specified Console Server serial ports and specified network-attached
hosts. These users can also be given full Administrator status (with full configuration and management
and access privileges).
To simplify user setup, they can be configured as members of Groups. There are two Groups set up by
default (admin and user).
1. Membership of the admin group provides the user with full Administrator privileges. The admin
user (referred to in this manual as Administrator) can access the Console Server using any of the
services which have been enabled in System: Services e.g. if only HTTPS has been enabled then
the Administrator can only access the Console Server using HTTPS. However, once logged in,
they can reconfigure the Console Server settings (e.g. to enabled HTTP/Telnet for future access).
They can also access any of the connected Hosts or serial port devices using any of the services
that have been enabled for these connections. However, since the Administrator can
reconfigure the access services for any Host or serial port, only trusted users should have
Administrator access.
Note: For convenience the SDT Connector “Retrieve Hosts” function retrieves and auto-configures
checked serial ports and checked hosts only, even for admin group users.
2. Membership of the user group provides the user with limited access to the Console Server and
connected Hosts and serial devices. These Users can access only the Management section of the
Management Console menu and they have no command line access to the Console Server. They
also can only access those Hosts and serial devices that have been checked for them, using
services that have been enabled.
3. The Administrator can also set up additional Groups with specific serial port and host access
permissions (same as Users). However users in these additional groups don’t have any access to
the Management Console menu nor to any command line access to the Console Server itself.
Lastly the Administrator can also set up users who are not a member of any Groups and they will
have the same access as users in the additional groups.
To set up new users and classify them as members of particular Groups: