Viewing iDRAC and Managed System
You can view iDRAC and managed system’s health and properties, hardware and firmware inventory,
sensor health, storage devices, network devices, and view and terminate user sessions. For blade servers,
you can also view the flex address information.
Related Links
Viewing Managed System Health and Properties
Viewing System Inventory
Viewing Sensor Information
Monitoring Performance Index of CPU, Memory, and I/O Modules
Checking the System for Fresh Air Compliance
Viewing Historical Temperature Data
Inventory and Monitoring Storage Devices
Inventory and Monitoring Network Devices
Inventory and Monitoring FC HBA Devices
Viewing FlexAddress Mezzanine Card Fabric Connections
Viewing or Terminating iDRAC Sessions
Viewing Managed System Health and Properties
When you log in to iDRAC Web interface, the System Summary page allows you to view the managed
system's health, basic iDRAC information, preview the virtual console, add and view work notes, and
quickly launch tasks such as power on or off, power cycle, view logs, update and rollback firmware,
switch on or switch off the front panel LED, and reset iDRAC.
To access the System Summary page, go to Overview → Server → Properties → Summary. The System
Summary page is displayed. For more information, see the iDRAC Online Help.
You can also view the basic system summary information using the iDRAC Settings utility. To do this, in
iDRAC Settings utility, go to System Summary. The iDRAC Settings System Summary page is displayed.
For more information, see the iDRAC Settings Utility Online Help.
Viewing System Inventory
You can view information about the hardware and firmware components installed on the managed
system. To do this, in iDRAC Web interface, go to Overview → Server → Properties → System Inventory.
For information about the displayed properties, see the iDRAC Online Help.
The Hardware Inventory section displays the information for the following components available on the
managed system: