each encryption-capable controller. The security key is managed using the Local Key Management (LKM)
feature. LKM is used to generate the key ID and the password or key required to secure the virtual disk. If
you are using LKM, you must create the encryption key by providing the Security Key Identifier and the
This task is not supported on PERC hardware controllers running in HBA mode.
If you create the security key in Add to Pending Operation mode and a job is not created, and then if you
delete the security key, the create security key pending operation is cleared.
Configuring Controller Properties Using Web Interface
1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Overview → Storage → Controllers → Setup.
The Setup Controllers page is displayed.
2. In the Configure Controller Properties section, from the Controller drop-down menu, select the
controller that you want to configure.
3. Specify the required information for the various properties.
The Current Value column displays the existing values for each property. You can modify this value
by selecting the option from the Action drop-down menu for each property.
For information about the fields, see the iDRAC Online Help.
4. From the Apply Operation Mode drop-down menu, select when you want to apply the settings.
5. Click Apply.
Based on the selected operation mode, the settings are applied.
Configuring Controller Properties Using RACADM
• To set Patrol Read Mode:
racadm set storage.controller.<index>.PatrolReadMode {Automatic | Manual |
• If Patrol read mode is set to manual, use the following commands to start and stop Patrol read Mode:
racadm storage patrolread:<Controller FQDD> -state {start|stop}
• To specify the Check Consistency Mode, use Storage.Controller.CheckConsistencyMode object.
• To enable or disable the Copyback Mode, use Storage.Controller.CopybackMode object.
• To enable or disable the Load Balance Mode, use Storage.Controller.PossibleloadBalancedMode
• To specify the percentage of the system's resources dedicated to perform a check consistency on a
redundant virtual disk, use Storage.Controller.CheckConsistencyRate object.
• To specify the percentage of the controller's resources dedicated to rebuild a failed disk, use
Storage.Controller.RebuildRate object
• To specify the percentage of the controller's resources dedicated to perform the background
initialization (BGI) of a virtual disk after it is created,
useStorage.Controller.BackgroundInitializationRate object
• To specify the percentage of the controller's resources dedicated to reconstruct a disk group after
adding a physical disk or changing the RAID level of a virtual disk residing on the disk group, use
Storage.Controller.ReconstructRate object
• To enable or disable the enhanced auto import of foreign configuration for the controller, use
Storage.Controller.EnhancedAutoImportForeignConfig object