With Dell PowerEdge servers, the iDRAC identifies itself with vendor ID: iDRAC. Therefore, you must add a
new ‘Vendor Class’ and create a ‘scope option’ under it for ‘code 60,’ and then enable the new scope
option for the DHCP server.
Related Links
Configuring Option 43 on Windows
Configuring Option 60 on Windows
Configuring Option 43 and Option 60 on Linux
Configuring Option 43 on Windows
To configure option 43 on Windows:
1. On the DHCP server, go to Start → Administration Tools → DHCP to open the DHCP server
administration tool.
2. Find the server and expand all items under it.
3. Right-click on Scope Options and select Configure Options.
The Scope Options dialog box is displayed.
4. Scroll down and select 043 Vendor Specific Info.
5. In the Data Entry field, click anywhere in the area under ASCII and enter the IP address of the server
that has the share location, which contains the XML configuration file.
The value appears as you type it under the ASCII, but it also appears in binary to the left.
6. Click OK to save the configuration.
Configuring Option 60 on Windows
To configure option 60 on Windows:
1. On the DHCP server, go to Start → Administration Tools → DHCP to open the DHCP server
administration tool.
2. Find the server and expand the items under it.
3. Right-click on IPv4 and choose Define Vendor Classes.
4. Click Add and enter the following:
• Display name — iDRAC (read-only)
• Description — Vendor Class
• Under ASCII, click and enter iDRAC.
5. Click OK.
6. On the DHCP window, right-click on IPv4 and choose Set Predefined Options.
7. From the Option class drop-down menu,select iDRAC (created in step 4) and click Add.
8. In the Option Type dialogue box, enter the following information:
• Name — iDRAC
• Data Type — String
• Code – 1
• Description — Dell vendor class identifier
9. Click OK twice to return to the DHCP window.
10. Expand all items under the server name, right-click on Scope Options and select Configure Options.
11. Click on the Advanced tab.
12. From the Vendor class drop-down menu, select iDRAC. The 060iDRAC appears in the Available