NOTE: Full initialize is supported only in real-time. Only few controllers support full initialization.
Encrypting Virtual Disks
When encryption is disabled on a controller (that is, the security key is deleted), manually enable
encryption for virtual disks created using SED drives. If the virtual disk is created after encryption is
enabled on a controller, the virtual disk is automatically encrypted. It is automatically configured as an
encrypted virtual disk unless the enabled encryption option is disabled during the virtual disk creation.
NOTE: This task can only be staged and real-time is not supported.
You must have Login and Server Control privilege to manage the encryption keys.
Assigning or Unassigning Dedicated Hot Spares
A dedicated hot spare is an unused backup disk that is assigned to a virtual disk. When a physical disk in
the virtual disk fails, the hot spare is activated to replace the failed physical disk without interrupting the
system or requiring your intervention.
You must have Login and Server Control privilege to run this operation.
Only T10 PI (DIF) capable physical disks can be assigned as a hot spare to T10 PI (DIF) enabled virtual
disks. Any non T10 PI (DIF) drives that are assigned as dedicated hot spare will not be a hot spare if T10 PI
(DIF) is enabled on a virtual disk later on.
You can assign only 4K drives as hot spare to 4K virtual disks.
If you have assigned a virtual disk as a dedicated hot spare in Add to Pending Operation mode, the
pending operation is created but a job is not created. Then, if you try to unassign the dedicated hot spare,
the assign dedicated hot spare pending operation is cleared.
If you have unassigned a virtual disk as a dedicated hot spare in Add to Pending Operation mode, the
pending operation is created but a job is not created. Then, if you try to assign the dedicated hot spare,
the unassign dedicated hot spare pending operation is cleared.
Managing Virtual Disks Using Web Interface
1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Overview → Storage → Virtual Disks → Manage.
The Manage Virtual Disks page is displayed.
2. From the Controller drop-down menu, select the controller for which you want to manage the
virtual disks.
3. For one or more Virtual Disks, from each Action drop-down menu, select an action.
You can specify more than one action for a virtual drive. When you select an action, an additional
Action drop-down menu is displayed. Select another action from this drop-down menu. The action
that is already selected does not appear in the additional Action drop-down menus. Also, the
Remove link is displayed next to the selected action. Click this link to remove the selected action.
• Delete
• Edit Policy: Read Cache — Change the read cache policy to one of the following options:
– Adaptive Read Ahead