4. Enable the user ID and specify the user name, password, and access privileges for the user. You can
also enable SNMPv3 authentication for the user. For more information about the options, see the
iDRAC Online Help.
5. Click Apply. The user is created with the required privileges.
Configuring Local Users Using RACADM
NOTE: You must be logged in as user root to execute RACADM commands on a remote Linux
You can configure single or multiple iDRAC users using RACADM.
To configure multiple iDRAC users with identical configuration settings, perform one of the following
• Use the RACADM examples in this section as a guide to create a batch file of RACADM commands
and then execute the batch file on each managed system.
• Create the iDRAC configuration file and execute the racadm config or racadm set subcommand on
each managed system using the same configuration file.
If you are configuring a new iDRAC or if you have used the racadm racresetcfg command, the only
current user is root with the password calvin. The racresetcfg subcommand resets the iDRAC to the
default values.
NOTE: Users can be enabled and disabled over time. As a result, a user may have a different index
number on each iDRAC.
To verify if a user exists, type the following command at the command prompt:
• Using config command: racadm getconfig -u <username>
Type the following command once for each index (1–16):
• Using config command: racadm getconfig -g cfgUserAdmin -i <index>
• Using get command: racadm get iDRAC.Users.<index>.UserName
NOTE: You can also type racadm getconfig -f <myfile.cfg> or racadm get -f
myfile.cfg> and view or edit the myfile.cfg file, which includes all iDRAC configuration
Several parameters and object IDs are displayed with their current values. The objects of importance are:
• If you have used getconfig command:
# cfgUserAdminIndex=XX
• If you have used get command:
If the cfgUserAdminUserName object has no value, that index number, which is indicated by the
cfgUserAdminIndex object, is available for use. If a name is displayed after the "=", that index is taken by
that user name.