
E-mail — License is attached to an email that is sent after requesting it from the technical support
Self-service portal — A link to the Self-Service Portal is available from iDRAC. Click this link to open
the licensing Self-Service Portal on the internet. Currently, you can use the License Self-Service Portal
to retrieve licenses that were purchased with the server. You must contact the sales representative or
technical support to buy a new or upgrade license. For more information, see the online help for the
self-service portal page.
Point-of-sale — License is acquired while placing the order for a system.
License Operations
Before you perform the license management tasks, make sure to acquire the licenses. For more
information, see the Overview and Feature Guide available at dell.com/support/manuals.
NOTE: If you have purchased a system with all the licenses pre-installed, then license management
is not required.
You can perform the following licensing operations using iDRAC, RACADM, WS-MAN, and Lifecycle
Controller-Remote Services for one-to-one license management, and Dell License Manager for one-to-
many license management:
View — View the current license information.
Import — After acquiring the license, store the license in a local storage and import it into iDRAC using
one of the supported interfaces. The license is imported if it passes the validation checks.
NOTE: For a few features, a system restart is required to enable the features.
Export — Export the installed license into an external storage device for backup or to reinstall it again
after a part or motherboard replacement. The file name and format of the exported license is
Delete — Delete the license that is assigned to a component if the component is missing. After the
license is deleted, it is not stored in iDRAC and the base product functions are enabled.
Replace — Replace the license to extend an evaluation license, change a license type such as an
evaluation license with a purchased license, or extend an expired license.
An evaluation license may be replaced with an upgraded evaluation license or with a purchased
A purchased license may be replaced with an updated license or with an upgraded license.
Learn More — Learn more about an installed license, or the licenses available for a component
installed in the server.
NOTE: For the Learn More option to display the correct page, make sure that *.dell.com is
added to the list of Trusted Sites in the Security Settings. For more information, see the Internet
Explorer help documentation.
For one-to-many license deployment, you can use Dell License Manager. For more information, see the
Dell License Manager User’s Guide available at dell.com/support/manuals.
Importing License After Replacing Motherboard
You can use the Local iDRAC Enterprise License Installation Tool if you have recently replaced the
motherboard and need to reinstall the iDRAC Enterprise license locally (with no network connectivity)
and activate the dedicated NIC. This utility installs a 30-day trial iDRAC Enterprise license and allows you
to reset the iDRAC to change from shared NIC to dedicated NIC.