• Turn off and turn on the system.
On systems with RHEL 5.9 operating system, if the USB NIC was disabled and if you turn off the system or
vice-versa, when the system is turned on and if the USB NIC is enabled, the USB NIC device is not active
automatically. To make it active, check if any ifcfg-ethX.bak file is available in the /etc/sysconfig/network-
script directory for the USB NIC interface. If it is available, rename it to ifcfg-ethX and then use the ifup
ethX command.
Related Links
Installing VIB File
Installing VIB File
For vSphere operating systems, before enabling the USB NIC, you must install the VIB file.
To install the VIB file:
1. Using Win-SCP, copy the VIB file to /tmp/ folder of the ESX-i host operating system.
2. Go to the ESXi prompt and run the following command:
esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/ iDRAC_USB_NIC-1.0.0-799733X03.vib --no-
The output is:
Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be
rebooted for the changes to be effective.
Reboot Required: true
VIBs Installed: Dell_bootbank_iDRAC_USB_NIC_1.0.0-799733X03
VIBs Removed:
VIBs Skipped:
3. Reboot the server.
4. At the ESXi prompt, run the command: esxcfg-vmknic –l.
The output displays the usb0 entry.
Enabling or Disabling OS to iDRAC Pass-through Using Web Interface
To enable OS to iDRAC Pass-through using Web interface:
1. Go to Overview → iDRAC Settings → Network → OS to iDRAC Pass-through.
The OS to iDRAC Pass-through page is displayed.
2. Select any of the following options to enable OS to iDRAC pass-through:
• LOM — The OS to iDRAC pass-through link between the iDRAC and the host operating system is
established through the LOM or NDC.
• USB NIC — The OS to iDRAC pass-through link between the iDRAC and the host operating
system is established through the internal USB bus.
To disable this feature, select Disabled.
3. If you select LOM as the pass-through configuration, and if the server is connected using dedicated
mode, enter the IPv4 address of the operating system.
NOTE: If the server is connected in shared LOM mode, then the OS IP Address field is disabled.
4. If you select USB NIC as the pass-through configuration, enter the IP address of the USB NIC.
The default value is It is recommended to use the default IP address. However, if this IP
address conflicts with an IP address of other interfaces of the host system or the local network, you
must change it.