NOTE: The attributes are not applicable to the INI configuration file.
Hash Password in Server Configuration Profile
The new hash passwords can be optionally exported in the server configuration profile.
When importing server configuration profile, you can uncomment the existing password attribute or the
new password hash attribute(s). If both are uncommented an error is generated and the password is not
set. A commented attribute is not applied during an import.
Generating Hash Password Without SNMPv3 and IPMI Authentication
To generate hash password without SNMPv3 and IPMI authentication:
1. For iDRAC user accounts, you must salt the password using SHA256.
When you salt the password, a 16 byte binary string is appended. The Salt is required to be 16 bytes
long, if provided.
2. Provide hash value and salt in the imported server configuration profile, RACADM commands, or
3. After setting the password, the normal plain text password authentication works except that SNMP v3
and IPMI authentication fails for iDRAC user accounts that had passwords updated with hash.
Setting Up Management Station
A management station is a computer used for accessing iDRAC interfaces to remotely monitor and
manage the PowerEdge server(s).
To set up the management station:
1. Install a supported operating system. For more information, see the readme.
2. Install and configure a supported Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari).
3. Install the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (required if Java plug-in type is used to access
iDRAC using a Web browser).
4. From the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD, install Remote RACADM and
VMCLI from the SYSMGMT folder. Else, run Setup on the DVD to install Remote RACADM by default
and other OpenManage software. For more information about RACADM, see
Command Line Interface Reference Guide available at dell.com/support/manuals.
5. Install the following based on the requirement:
• Telnet
• SSH client
• Dell OpenManage Essentials
Related Links
Installing and Using VMCLI Utility
Configuring Supported Web Browsers
Accessing iDRAC Remotely
To remotely access iDRAC Web interface from a management station, make sure that the management
station is in the same network as iDRAC. For example: