The output is:
9. Run the following command to cold reboot the server:
serveraction powercycle
10. After the system completes POST and CSIOR, type the following command to verify the
get storage.enclosure.1.backplanerequestedmode
The output is:
11. Run the following to verify is the backplane mode is set to split mode:
get storage.enclosure.1.backplanecurrentmode
The output is:
12. Run the following command and verify that only 0–11 drives are displayed:
storage get pdisks
For more information about the racadm command, see the iDRAC8 RACADM Command Line
Interface Reference Guide available at dell.com/support/manuals
Viewing Universal Slots
Some of the 13th generation PowerEdge server backplanes supports both SAS/SATA and PCIe SSD drives
in the same slot. These slots are wired to the primary storage controller (PERC) and a PCIe extender card.
These slots are called “universal” slots. Backplane firmware provides information on the slots that support
this feature. The backplane supports SAS/SATA disks or PCIe SSDs. Typically the four higher number slots
are universal. For, example, in a universal backplane supporting 24 slots, slots 0-19 support only SAS/
SATA disks while slots 20-23 support either SAS/SATA or PCIe SSD.
The roll-up health status for the enclosure provides the combined health status for all the drives in the
enclosure. The enclosure link on the Topology page display the entire enclosure information, irrespective
of which controller it is associated with. As two storage controllers (PERC and PCIe extender) can be
connected to the same backplane, only the backplane associated with the PERC controller is displayed in
System Inventory page.
In the Storage → Enclosures → Properties page, the Physical Disks Overview section displays the
• If a slot is empty, Slot Empty is displayed for the slot.
• If there are no PCIe capable slots, then the PCIe Capable column is not displayed.
• If it is a universal backplane with PCIe SSD in one of the slots, then the Bus Protocol column displays
• The Hotspare column is not applicable for PCIe SSD.
NOTE: Hot swapping is supported for universal slots. If you want to remove a PCIe SSD drive and
swap it with a SAS/SATA drive, make sure to first complete the PrepareToRemove task for the PCIe
SSD drive. If you do not perform this task, the host operating system may have issues such as a blue
screen, kernel panic, and so on.