3. Click the Privilege Object tab to add the privilege object to the association that defines the user’s or
user group’s privileges when authenticating to an iDRAC device. Only one privilege object can be
added to an Association Object.
Adding iDRAC Devices or iDRAC Device Groups
To add iDRAC devices or iDRAC device groups:
1. Select the Products tab and click Add.
2. Enter iDRAC devices or iDRAC device group name and click OK.
3. In the Properties window, click Apply and click OK.
4. Click the Products tab to add one iDRAC device connected to the network that is available for the
defined users or user groups. You can add multiple iDRAC devices to an Association Object.
Configuring Active Directory With Extended Schema Using iDRAC Web Interface
To configure Active Directory with extended schema using Web interface:
NOTE: For information about the various fields, see the iDRAC Online Help.
1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Overview → iDRAC Settings → User Authentication → Directory
Services → Microsoft Active Directory.
The Active Directory summary page is displayed.
2. Click Configure Active Directory.
The Active Directory Configuration and Management Step 1 of 4 page is displayed.
3. Optionally, enable certificate validation and upload the CA-signed digital certificate used during
initiation of SSL connections when communicating with the Active Directory (AD) server.
4. Click Next.
The Active Directory Configuration and Management Step 2 of 4 page is displayed.
5. Specify the location information about Active Directory (AD) servers and user accounts. Also, specify
the time iDRAC must wait for responses from AD during login process.
• If certificate validation is enabled, specify the Domain Controller Server addresses and the
FQDN. Make sure that DNS is configured correctly under Overview → iDRAC Settings →
• If the user and iDRAC objects are in different domains, then do not select the User Domain
from Login option. Instead select Specify a Domain option and enter the domain name
where the iDRAC object is available.
6. Click Next. The Active Directory Configuration and Management Step 3 of 4 page is displayed.
7. Select Extended Schema and click Next.
The Active Directory Configuration and Management Step 4 of 4 page is displayed.
8. Enter the name and location of the iDRAC device object in Active Directory (AD) and click Finish.
The Active Directory settings for extended schema mode is configured.
Configuring Active Directory With Extended Schema Using RACADM
To configure Active Directory with Extended Schema using the RACADM:
1. Open a command prompt and enter the following RACADM commands: