– CentOS is supported only for iDRAC Service Module 2.0 or later.
– If the IPMI modules are not present, then you can install the respective modules from the OS
distribution media. The service starts once the installation is complete.
• On Windows operating system:
– Check if the WMI service is running:
* If WMI is stopped, OS Collector starts the WMI automatically and continues with the collection.
* If WMI is disabled, OS Collector collection stops with an error message.
– Check the appropriate privilege levels and make sure there is no Firewall or security settings that is
preventing to get the registry or software data.
Generating Technical Support Report Manually Using iDRAC Web Interface
To generate the technical support report manually:
1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Overview → Server → Troubleshooting → Tech Support Report.
The Tech Support Report page is displayed.
2. Select options for which you want to collect the data:
• Hardware to export the report to a location on the local system
• OS and Application Data to export the report to a network share and specify the network
NOTE: While specifying the network share settings, it is recommended to avoid special
characters for user name and password or percent encode the special characters.
• Click Advanced Export Options to select the following additional options:
– RAID Controller Log
– Enable Report Filtering under OS and Application Data
Based on the options selected, the time taken to collect the data is displayed next to these options.
If OS Collector tool was not run on the system, then the OS and Application Data option is grayed-
out and it is not selectable. The message OS and Application Data (Timestamp: Never) is displayed.
If OS Collector was run on the system in the past, then the timestamp displays when the operating
system and application data was last collected: Last Collected: <timestamp>
3. Click Attach OS Collector.
You are directed to access the host OS. A message asking you to launch Virtual Console is displayed.
4. After you launch the Virtual Console, click the pop-up message to run and use the OS Collector tool
to collect the data.
5. Navigate to the DRACRW virtual USB device that is presented to the system by the iDRAC.
6. Invoke the OS Collector file appropriate for the host operating system:
• For Windows, run Windows_OSCollector_Startup.bat.
• For Linux, run Linux_OSCollector_Startup.exe.
7. After the OS collector has completed transferring the data to iDRAC, the USB device is removed
automatically by iDRAC.
8. Return to the Tech Support Report page, click the Refresh icon to reflect the new timestamp.
9. To export the data, under Export Location, select Local or Network.
10. If you have selected Network, enter the network location details.