
3-58 Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (TAGs)
TAG 044: Main Charger/Transfer Charger Circuit Open
Error Code: 044
Possible Defects: Main charger
Transfer charger
Connectors or wiring
High voltage unit
Upper paper guide
Main charger terminal assembly
PCL board
Turn the printer off and unplug the power cord.
Verify that J/P23 and J/P41 are connected properly.
Make sure the high voltage unit main charger lead is connected properly.
Make sure the transfer charger lead is connected properly.
Verify that the main charger and transfer charger ground circuits are connected properly.
Remove the transfer charger from the upper paper guide.
Clean the transfer charger housing and contacts.
Clean the transfer charger wire.
Inspect the transfer charger socket in the upper paper guide for contamination.
Verify that the transfer charger static eliminator brush on the transfer charger housing is
grounded to the transfer charger metal housing.
Reinstall the transfer charger.
Clean the main charger contacts.
Power-on-reset the printer.
Run test prints.
Is error code 044 displayed?
No: Loose connectors or a dirty transfer charger were at fault. Turn to TAG 002: Check &
Problem Resolution.
Yes: Continue.
Has the main charger been replaced recently?
No: Continue.
Yes: Go to #4 in this TAG.
Replace the main charger and photoconductor unit.
Power-on-reset the printer.
Run test prints.
Has the problem been resolved?
No: Reinstall the original main charger and photoconductor unit, and continue.
Yes: The main charger was at fault. Turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.