3-58 Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (TAGs)
TAG 044: Main Charger/Transfer Charger Circuit Open
Error Code: 044
Possible Defects: Main charger
Transfer charger
Connectors or wiring
High voltage unit
Upper paper guide
Main charger terminal assembly
PCL board
Turn the printer off and unplug the power cord.
• Verify that J/P23 and J/P41 are connected properly.
• Make sure the high voltage unit main charger lead is connected properly.
• Make sure the transfer charger lead is connected properly.
• Verify that the main charger and transfer charger ground circuits are connected properly.
• Remove the transfer charger from the upper paper guide.
• Clean the transfer charger housing and contacts.
• Clean the transfer charger wire.
• Inspect the transfer charger socket in the upper paper guide for contamination.
• Verify that the transfer charger static eliminator brush on the transfer charger housing is
grounded to the transfer charger metal housing.
• Reinstall the transfer charger.
• Clean the main charger contacts.
• Power-on-reset the printer.
• Run test prints.
Is error code 044 displayed?
No: Loose connectors or a dirty transfer charger were at fault. Turn to TAG 002: Check &
Problem Resolution.
Yes: Continue.
Has the main charger been replaced recently?
No: Continue.
Yes: Go to #4 in this TAG.
Replace the main charger and photoconductor unit.
• Power-on-reset the printer.
• Run test prints.
Has the problem been resolved?
No: Reinstall the original main charger and photoconductor unit, and continue.
Yes: The main charger was at fault. Turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.