
3-152 Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (TAGs)
TAG 801: Prints Light or Light With Carrier Particles
Error Code: 801
Possible Defects: Photoconductor unit
Connectors or wiring
Main drive gear assembly
Transfer charger unit
Power control #2 board
Print-head assembly
High voltage unit
Toner supply motor
PCL board
Upper paper guide assembly
Developer unit
If the problem still exists after completing this TAG, go to TAG 800: Prints Blank or With
Dark Horizontal Bands.
Run test prints.
Examine the letters A, V, and W for jaggedness on the diagonal lines.
Are they jagged?
No: Continue.
Yes: Refer to Chapter 4, “Print Quality Samples”. Review the printhead problem print sam-
ples, identify one similar to the test prints, and turn to the associated TAG.
Turn the printer off and unplug the power cord.
Verify that J/P12, J/P13, J/P18, and J/P41 are connected properly.
Perform the every-call cleaning procedure, described in Chapter 9, “General Printer Mainte-
Clean the printhead lens and toner patch sensor located on the developer unit.
Turn the printer on.
Run test prints.
Has the problem been resolved?
No: Continue.
Yes: Contamination or loose connectors were at fault. Turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem
Check the voltages, as outlined in Chapter 9, “General Printer Maintenance”.Are the voltages cor-
No: Replace the high voltage power supply unit, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem
Yes: Continue.
Have the photoconductor unit, main charger, developer unit, and toner cartridge
been replaced recently?
No: Continue.
Yes: Go to #7 in this TAG.