2-4 TAG Cross- Reference Tables
071 Fuser thermistor open or no fuser 071
072 Fuser temperature too high 072
073 Fuser temperature too low 070
081 No front job offset sensor 083
082 No back job offset sensor 083
083 Job offset mechanism malfunction 083
084 Duplex tray registration sensor not activated 901
085 Duplex tray registration sensor not deactivated 901
086 Duplex registration tray malfunction 901
090 Cover open 900
097 DC +12v power failure 097
098 DC -12v power failure 098
099 DC +24v power failure 099
100 PCL board command timeou 100
101 IGS controller diagnostic failure 101
Table 2-2. PCL/IGS Communication Error Codes
Code PCL/IGS Communication Error Code Meaning Go to TAG
121 No controller command; PCL board VSC command asserted 201
122 Command tag asserted; VSC command not asserted 201
123 VSS not asserted; PCL board status tag asserted 201
124 VSS asserted after PCL board sent status 201
125 VSS not asserted again though PCL board expects it 201
126 Command tag asserted during data byte sequence 201
127 PCL board detected parity/overrun on command line 201
Table 2-3. PCL Error Codes
Code PCL Error Code Meaning Go to TAG
130 Address or length error at initial microcode load 130
131 Checksum error at initial microcode load 130
132 RAM error at initial microcode load 100
133 No next block at initial microcode load 130
134 Incorrect format in initial microcode load file 130
140 PCL board ROM checksum error at power on diagnostic 100
145 PCL board RAM error at power on diagnostic 100
Table 2-1. Printer Error Codes (Continued)
Code Printer Error Code Meaning Go to TAG