3-18 Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (TAGs)
TAG 012: Upper Cassette Not Latched
Error Code: 012
Possible Defects: Upper cassette release cam
Upper cassette release latch
Upper cassette in latch
Upper pressure lever
Wire cable and pulley
Upper cassette
Upper cassette in switch
Upper paper size sensor
Lower paper size sensor
Connectors or wiringr
PCL board
Turn off the printer and unplug the power cord.
• Verify that J/P40 and J/P52 are connected properly.
• Remove the upper cassette.
• Inspect it for damage.
• Reinsert the cassette.
Is the upper cassette properly latched?
No: Continue.
Yes: Go to #3 in this TAG.
Check for damage:
• Upper cassette release cam
• Upper cassette release latch
• Upper cassette in latch
• Upper pressure lever
• Wire cable and pulley
Are any of these parts damaged?
No: Return to the beginning of this TAG.
Yes: Replace the damaged parts, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Remove the upper cassette.
• Make sure the upper cassette in switch actuator is functioning properly.
Is it in good working order?
No: Replace the actuator, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Yes: Continue.