3-92 Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (TAGs)
TAG 099: +24 Vdc Power Shorted
Error Code: 099
Possible Defects: DC power supply unit
AC power supply unit
Connectors or wiring
PCL board
IGS board
Power control #2 board
High voltage unit
Paper timing clutch
Upper feed roller clutch
Upper pick-up clutch
Lower pick-up clutch
Lower feed roller clutch
Counter assembly
Possible Defects, Duplex Printers:
Duplex control board #1
Duplex control board #2
Route motor
In solenoid
‘C’ roller solenoid
‘A’ roller clutch
Exit solenoid
Restart motor
Turn the printer off and unplug the power cord.
• Verify that J/P11, J/P8, J/P32, J/P33, J/P91, J/P303, J/P305, J/P306, J/P310, J/P323, and J/P331
are connected properly.
• Power-on-reset the printer.
Has the problem been resolved?
No: Continue.
Yes: A loose connector was at fault. Turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Check J/P8-11 for +24 Vdc.
Is the voltage +24 Vdc?
No: Continue.
Yes: Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Turn the printer off.
• Disconnect J/P330.
• Turn the printer on.
• Check J/P8-11 for +24 Vdc.
Is the voltage +24 Vdc?
No: Continue.
Yes: Go to #22 in this TAG.