0B02 Public Ethernet Set IP Error
(The library could not set the IP
• Make sure a valid Ethernet address has
been programmed using the LCD touch
display. (Menu -> Maintenance ->
• Reboot the library
1001 SCSI Firmware Error
(Internal SCSI task processing error.
Unexpected state or hardware status.)
• Turn off power to the library and inspect
connectors and cables.
• Check the SCSI cable connections to
make sure they are secured.
• Make sure the library controller board
has SCSI termination.
1002 SCSI FIFO Empty
(The SCSI controller data FIFO is empty
but should contain more data bytes.)
• Turn off power to the library and inspect
connectors and cables.
• Check the SCSI cable connections to
make sure they are secured.
• Make sure the library controller board
has SCSI termination.
1003 SCSI FIFO Error
(The SCSI controller data FIFO should be
empty but still contains data bytes.)
• Turn off power to the library and inspect
connectors and cables.
• Check the SCSI cable connections to
make sure they are secured.
• Make sure the library controller board
has SCSI termination.
1004 SCSI Gross Error
(The SCSI controller detected a gross error
condition. Invalid SCSI bus phase or
DMA error.)
• Turn off power to the library and inspect
connectors and cables.
• Ensure SCSI options are set correctly.
• Check the SCSI cable connections to
make sure they are secured.
• Make sure the library controller board
has SCSI termination.
• Check host SCSI cable and connections.
Table 10 Fault Symptom Codes (continued)
FSC Message ERP