
CAUTION: The misuse and misunderstanding of bar code technology can result in backup and
restore failures. To ensure that your bar codes meet HP’s quality standards, always purchase them
from an approved supplier and never print bar code labels yourself. For more information, refer to
the order form provided with the library, as well as the Bar Code Label Requirements, Compatibility
and Usage white paper available from
Ultrium Labels
Ultrium tape cartridges have a recessed area located on the face of the cartridge next to the
write-protect switch. Use this area for attaching the adhesive-backed bar code label (see Figure 62).
Do not apply labels onto the cartridge except in this designated area.
CAUTION: The bar code label should be applied as shown in Figure 62 with the alphanumeric
portion facing the hub side of the tape cartridge. Never apply multiple labels onto a cartridge, as
extra labels can cause the cartridge to jam in a tape drive.
Figure 62 Attaching a bar code label to an Ultrium tape cartridge