
MSL6000 series tape library user guide 113
301C Drive Get General Status Fail
(Drive communication failed.)
Press the Enter button to reboot.
Ensure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
Deactivate the drive using the GUI control
panel maintenance menu.
Reseat the drive.
Check cabling.
Load/unload a cartridge to the drive to
Check the tape cartridge used in the last
operation for damage.
Run the cartridge cycle diagnostic to
301D Drive Get Status 3 Fail Press the Enter button to clear the
Contact support.
301E Drive Unload Fail Make sure the drive shows good status
through the drive status window.
Try unloading then loading the cartridge
via the Move Media option using the
LCD touch display.
3020 Undefined Config
(In loader, unexpected configuration, not
a 5U or 10U model. In diagnostics,
invalid source or destination.)
Press the Enter button to clear the
Contact support.
3030 Orphan Cartridge not stowed
(The loader could not successfully stow an
orphan cartridge to a bin.)
Unload magazine, remove a tape,
replace the magazine, and retry the
3031 Chassis S/N Mismatch. Previous S/N
(The serial number scanned from the bar
code label does not match the value
stored in non-volatile memory.)
Press the Enter button to clear the
No action is required. This error is
expected when replacing the controller
board. If controller board was not
replace, then contact support.
3032 Chassis S/N Character count is not
(A valid serial number bar code label
could not b read.)
Press the Enter button to clear the
Contact support.
Table 10 Fault Symptom Codes (continued)
FSC Message ERP