MSL6000 series tape library user guide 61
Figure 48 View library options screen
Table 5 lists and describes the available Library options.
Table 5 View Library Options
Option Description
Library Remains Offline After
Power-up Initialization
Library does not go online after power-up initialization. You
must select the Online option from the Menu screen on the GUI
touch screen. The default is Disabled.
Auto Power-Up An Installed
Drive After Timeout
Enables a tape drive to be automatically powered up (after a
delay), after replacing a tape drive if you do not explicitly power
up the tape drive from the GUI touch screen. The default is
Unload Mode Lets you determine whether a SCSI MOVE MEDIUM command
is interpreted as Implicit or Explicit. If Implicit, the library unloads
a tape drive before attempting to move a cartridge from that
tape drive. If Explicit, the host must issue a SCSI UNLOAD
command to a tape drive before each MOVE MEDIUM
command that removes a cartridge from that tape drive. The
default is Implicit.
Total Reserved Slots Lets you reduce a specified number of slots at the rear of a
magazine. Some host software imposes size limits on library
magazines for licensing purposes, and does not operate with a
library that exceeds the licensed size. The default is 0.
Auto Clean Mode Lets you enable an automatic tape drive cleaning cycle. To use
this option, you must have reserved a slot for a cleaning
cartridge using the Total Reserved Slots option. The default is