is the cyclic amplitude of the through-thickness stress corresponding to
and f
and E
are the spatially averaged volume fraction and axial modulus of the
stitching fibers. Since
is independent of crack length, the delamination crack growth
rate should take a constant value, v
, in this limit. Furthermore, provided there is no
delamination notch or region of failed stitches, v
will be an upper bound to the growth rate
for all crack lengths. Thus Eq. (7.3) provides the basis for simple, rigorous bounding
estimates to fatigue life. Similar relations can be demonstrated for Mode II and mixed mode
fatigue crack growth.
A fatigue life strategy based on Eq. (7.3) is currently being developed.
7.1. N. A. Fleck and W. S. Slaughter, "Compressive Fatigue of Fibre Composites," J. Mech. Phys.
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7.3. B. N. Cox, M. S. Dadkhah, J. Flintoff, R. V. Inman, M. R. Mitchell, and W. L. Morris, Design
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7.4 B. N. Cox, M. S. Dadkhah, and W. L. Morris, Failure Models for Textile Composites, NASA
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7.5 L. K. Jain and Y.-W. Mai, “On the Effect of Stitching on Mode I Delamination Toughness of
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7.7 B. N. Cox, R. Massabò, and K. Kedward, "Suppression of Delamination in Curved Parts by
Stitching," Composites, in press.
7.8 R. Massabò and B. N. Cox, “Concepts for Bridged Mode II Delamination Cracks," submitted to
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Materials 9, 217-27 (1990).
7.10 B. N. Cox and D. B. Marshall, "Concepts for Bridged Cracks in Fracture and Fatigue," Overview
No. 111, Acta Metall. Mater., 42 (1994) 341-63.