Endpoint Fields for Scheduled Provisioning Using Scheduled Provisioning Profiles
Polycom, Inc. 179
LAN Properties > LAN Properties 2
DNS Servers Displays the DNS servers currently assigned to the
If the system does not automatically obtain a DNS
server address, enter up to four DNS servers here.
Changing this setting causes the system to restart.
Default Gateway Displays the gateway currently assigned to the system.
If the system does not automatically obtain a gateway
IP address, enter one here.
Changing this setting causes the system to restart.
Subnet Mask Displays the subnet mask currently assigned to the
If the system does not automatically obtain a subnet
mask, enter one here.
Changing this setting causes the system to restart.
WINS Server Displays the server running the Windows Internet
Name Service
WINS Resolution Enables connection to the WINS Server for URL
LAN Speed Specify the LAN speed to use. Note that the setting you
choose must be supported by the switch.
Choose Auto to have the network switch negotiate the
speed automatically. In this case, the switch must also
be set to Auto. Choosing Auto automatically sets
Duplex Mode to Auto.
If you choose 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1000 Mbps you
must set Duplex Mode to Half or Full.
Changing this setting causes the system to restart.
Mismatches with the network switch settings may lead
to unexpected behaviors.
Field For the endpoint systems being provisioned...
HDX Series
VSX Series
QDX Series