Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide Using Scheduled Software Updates
188 Polycom, Inc.
6 In the Software Update File field, browse to the software update file you
7 Enter a meaningful description that will help other users to understand
the purpose of the software update.
8 Click OK.
A software update profile for the endpoint type and model type is created.
Using Scheduled Software Updates
The scheduled software update feature is enabled at the RealPresence
Resource Manager system. An administrator with System Setup permissions
can schedule software updates for one endpoint or a group of endpoints to
occur immediately or for a date and time in the future.
Some notes about scheduled software updates:
• Until the RealPresence Resource Manager system successfully updates an
endpoint scheduled for updating, the update remains in the Pending or In
Progress state and the RealPresence Resource Manager system attempts to
update the endpoint until it succeeds or until the update is cancelled.
• If an endpoint scheduled for update is In a Call, the RealPresence
Resource Manager system waits until the call ends before updating the
endpoint. The system checks the endpoint at 15 minute intervals.
• If an endpoint scheduled for update is Offline, the RealPresence Resource
Manager system attempts to connect to the endpoint every hour until the
endpoint is Online.
• A software update may reboot the endpoint.
This section includes these topics:
• “Supported Endpoints for Scheduled Software Updates” on page 189
• “Schedule the Software Update for Endpoints” on page 189
• “Scheduled Software Update View” on page 190
• “View Scheduled Software Update Information” on page 192
• “View List of Software Update Packages” on page 192
The key is generated from the endpoint serial number and version number, and
Polycom sends it as a text (
) file to the customer when new software is
available. Customers can review their key history at