Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide Monitoring Network Devices
286 Polycom, Inc.
Actions in the Monitor View
Besides providing access to the network device views, the Actions section of
the Monitor View may also include these context-sensitive commands
depending on the selected device type.
Status The state of the network device. Possible values include:
• Online
• Offline
• In a call
• Unknown
• Device alert
• Gatekeeper not applicable
Name The system name of the network device.
Type The type of network device.
IP Address The IP address assigned to the network device.
Site The site to which the network device belongs.
When areas are enabled on your system, this field shows
a value of Restricted if you do not have permission to
manage the area to which the site is assigned.
Area Available only when Areas are enabled. The area with
which the network device is associated.
Users can only view area information for the areas they
have been assigned to manage.
Field Description
Action Use this action to...
Available for all device types
Add Manually add a network device to the Resource Manager
system or find a network device on the network. You can
search for devices using DNS or IP address.
Edit Change connection settings for the selected network
device. Note that if this is a managed device, the device
may overwrite settings entered manually.
Delete Delete the selected network devices.
Display all of the Device Details for the selected network