Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide MCU Device Summary Information
306 Polycom, Inc.
MCU Device Summary Information
The Device Summary information for MCUs in the Monitor View section
includes the following fields.
Field Description
Name The name of the device.
Type The type of device.
ID The system-generated ID for the device.
IP Address The assigned IP address of the device.
Area Area with which the device is associated.
This field is only available when Areas are enabled and
the RealPresence Resource Manager user is given a role
that allows them to view area information.
ISDN Video
For ISDN devices only, the country code + city/area code
+ phone number for the device.
When you add an endpoint without native ISDN, the ISDN
gateway, country code, and area code are not captured.
The Resource Manager system only supports native
Site The network site for the device. By default, devices are
added to the Primary Site.
When areas are enabled on your system, this field shows
a value of Restricted if you do not have permission to
manage the area to which the site is assigned.
Software Version The version of the software installed on the device (ASCII
only). The device provides the version number if it
registered successfully or is managed.
Serial Number The serial number (ASCII only) of the device.The device
provides the serial number if it registered successfully or
is managed.
Available to
Select this option to make the device available when
users are scheduling conferences.
The Available to schedule field is disabled for RMX