Polycom, Inc. 595
System Security and Port Usage
This section provides an overview of the port usage and security required by
the Polycom
Resource Manager system and includes a
comprehensive list of services and clients on the system that are required for
normal operation. It includes these topics:
• Open Inbound Ports on the RealPresence Resource Manager System
• Outbound Ports Used by the RealPresence Resource Manager System
Open Inbound Ports on the RealPresence Resource
Manager System
The following table lists the open inbound ports on the RealPresence Resource
Manager system and provides a description of their use.
Port Description
TCP 80 HTTP web server, through which the web application
displays and where Polycom endpoints post status
TCP/UDP 161 SNMP listener
TCP 389 Directory services (LDAP)
TCP 443 HTTPS web server listener
TCP 700 (Polycom proprietary service) Service monitor for redundant
RealPresence Resource Manager system servers
TCP/UDP 1718 H.323 gatekeeper listener--gatekeeper discovery
TCP/UDP 1719 H.323 gatekeeper listener--gatekeeper statistics
TCP/UDP 1720 H.323 gatekeeper listener--host call
TCP 3601 (Polycom proprietary service) Global Address Book listener
with which endpoints register