Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide Conference Usage Report
558 Polycom, Inc.
Conference Usage Report
Use the Conference Usage Report option to review usage information about
system conferences.
To create a Conference Usage Report:
1 Go to Reports > Conference Usage Report.
An empty Conference Usage Report grid displays.
2 As needed, change the Start: and End: dates to select the date range for
the report.
Select Summary Report or Detail Report. These reports includes the
Conference Type Report
Use the Conference Type Report option to review monthly summary
information about past RealPresence Resource Manager system conferences.
Field Description
Conference Name Name of the conference.
Name of the user who scheduled the conference.
Scheduler ID
ID of the user who scheduled the conference.
Date Date of the conference.
Scheduled Start Scheduled start time of the conference.
Scheduled Stop Scheduled stop time of the conference.
Scheduled Duration Scheduled duration of the conference.
Actual Start The actual time the conference started.
Actual Stop The actual time the conference stopped.
Actual Duration The actual duration of the conference.
Total Scheduled
Total number of scheduled participants for the
Total Actual
Total number of actual participants who attended
the conference.