Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager System Operations Guide Manage User Roles
360 Polycom, Inc.
4 Click Save.
The new user role appears in the RealPresence Resource Manager system.
Edit Permissions for a User Role
You can change permissions for the default roles, as well as for other user roles
that were created manually. You cannot change permissions for the default
Administrator role.
To edit the permissions for a user role
1 Go to User > User Roles.
2 As needed, use the Filter to customize the User Roles list.
3 In the User Roles list, select the role of interest and click Edit.
4 Edit the Description field of the Edit Role dialog box and edit
permissions for the role.
5 Click Save.
Delete a User Role
You can delete a user role from the RealPresence Resource Manager system,
provided no users are currently assigned to it.
Identifies which RealPresence Resource Manager system
administrator pages and functions are available to the
user role.
Identifies which RealPresence Resource Manager system
operator pages and functions are available to the user
Identifies which RealPresence Resource Manager system
scheduling pages and functions are available to the user
Scheduling Level. This setting determines the level of
scheduling available through this role. Possible values
•Basic. Users can schedule conferences using the
conference templates defined for them. They cannot
access or edit the advanced Conference Settings.
• Advanced. Users can schedule conferences using the
conference templates defined for them. They can also
access and edit the advanced Conference Settings.
Field Description