Resource Manager Operations Guide Working within a Multi-Tenancy Environment
498 Polycom, Inc.
Area Users, Rooms and Associated Endpoints
Endpoints and rooms follow strict rules of staying in the same area of the user
they are associated with. The Resource Manager system ensures that a user
and their associated endpoint(s) belong to the same area. If one moves to
another area or no area, the others move with it. The same is true for rooms
and their associated endpoints. More specifically:
• If a user or room is put into an area or moved to a different area, all of their
associated endpoints will be automatically updated to the same new area.
• If one of the associated endpoints of a user or room is moved to a different
area, the change will propagate to the associated user or room and any
other endpoints owned by the user or room.
The logged-in user is warned that this will happen so that they can cancel the
operation if this is not what they intended. The only way to move an endpoint
without also moving the owner and the owner’s other endpoints is to
disassociate the endpoint from the user or room before changing the area of
the endpoint.
Area Conference Guests
When a new guest is added to a conference and saved to the guest book, the
guest is configured to belong to the area that the conference belongs to. This
area information of the guest is persisted in the guest book. If the conference’s
area changes after this point, the guest’s area will not change. Users who can
manage more than one area can change the guest’s area by using the editing
the guest book entry.
Using the Common Pool in a Multi-Tenancy Environment
If a network device or DMA pool order does not belong to an area, it is said to
be in the “common pool” and therefore is available for the system to use for
any area. Any user who manages an area and has permission to perform tasks
within that area can view resources that are in the common pool.
For example, an area operator can schedule a conference on an RMX system
that is explicitly assigned to the area to which the operator belongs or the
scheduler can use an RMX system that belongs to the common pool.
Area Conference Templates
A user must have a system administrator role in order to create new
conference templates. As a best practice, the same user responsible for system
set up should be responsible for creating conference templates.
Conference templates can be assigned to an specific area and also associated
with users with a specific role.