Scheduler Overview Conference Scheduling Overview
Polycom, Inc. 29
• If the RealPresence Resource Manager system cannot find another bridge
with the features and capacity needed to support a conference, the
conference fails to start. The system does not attempt to modify the
conference settings in any way. Instead, the system sends an E-mail to
notify the conference organizer of the failure.
The system will chain bridge reassignments. This means that if the next bridge
to which the system assigns a conference is down at the time the system tries
to start the conference, the system will try to reassign the conference again.
Pooled Conference
A pooled conference is a conference hosted on the Polycom Distributed Media
Application™ (DMA) system. Instead of selecting a bridge for your
conference, you select a DMA pool order to manage your conference calls.
Pooled conferences are scheduled by the RealPresence Resource Manager
system. Resources are allocated at the time of conference initiation by the
DMA placing the call on a pool of managed MCUs (RMX or Codian). Using
DMA defined priorities, the DMA can manage resource allocation between
RealPresence Resource Manager system scheduled conferences and the
DMA-initiated ad hoc calls in real-time.
Scheduler Overview
As a scheduler, when you log into the RealPresence Resource Manager system,
the system displays the main screen with a Conference menu. When you click
Conference, you can select from these conference types: Future, Ongoing, or
For more information, see “Conference Menu and Views” on page 31.
Anytime conferences are supported if the RealPresence Resource Manager
system is connected to a Polycom DMA system.