Edit an Address Book Using Multiple Address Books
Polycom, Inc. 487
5 To associate users with this address book, click Associate Users.
The Address Book/Tier column shows all of the address books the users
appear in.
a Search for the users you want to associate. Use the Filter to customize
the list.
b Select the users you want and click Specify Tier.
c Select the tier you want for the users and click OK.
d To delete a user from the address book, select the user and click
The user is removed from the address book, but remains in the
RealPresence Resource Manager system.
6 To associate endpoints with this address book, click Associate
Only endpoints that are not associated with a RealPresence Resource
Manager system user appear in the list.
The Address Book/Tier column shows all of the address books the
endpoints appear in.
a Use the Filter to customize the list.
b Select the endpoints you want and click Specify Tier.
c Select the tier you want for the endpoints and click OK.
d To delete an endpoint from the address book, select the endpoint and
click Delete.
The endpoint is removed from the address book, but remains in the
RealPresence Resource Manager system.
7 To associate rooms with this address book, click Associate Rooms.
The Address Book/Tier column shows all of the address books the rooms
appear in.
a Use the Filter to customize the list.
b Select the rooms you want and click Specify Tier.
c Select the tier you want for the rooms and click OK.
Address Book Tiers
New Tier Select where you want to add a tier and click to add a
new tier to the address book.
Edit Tier Name Select a tier and click to change a tier name.
Delete Select a tier and click to delete a tier.
Field Description