Chapter 4 - Setting Up Conferences
Video Session Select the Video Session type for the conference:
• Video Switching - Select this option to set a
conference in which all the participants use the same
line rate and video and audio parameters, by setting
the communication parameters to the common
capabilities. Whenever a participant starts to speak, the
participant is displayed in full screen on all endpoint
screens. Up to 16 or 30 participants (if at least one
Audio Bridge is set to 1/30) can take part in a Video
Switching conference using the standard Audio card.
Up to 100 participants at 128 Kbps can take part in a
conference running on the Audio+ card. This
conference type does not use the MCU video
In Video Switching conferences, the highest common
mechanism is enabled for the video parameters,
allowing the system to select the best video
parameters that can be supported by all the endpoints
currently connected to the system, and dynamically
change them when a new endpoint joins or leaves the
• Transcoding - Select this option to set a conference in
which participants use different line rates, video, audio
and data parameters, up to the maximum line rate
defined for the conference, thus maintaining the best
video and audio capability that each participant
endpoint can achieve with the current conference
settings. As in a Video Switching session, the current
speaker is displayed on all screens and switching
between participants is audio activated.
• Continuous Presence - Select this option to set a
conference in which several participants can be viewed
simultaneously. In this type of conference, each
participant endpoint’s capabilities are used, to maintain
the highest possible video, audio and data quality
according to the conference settings. If the number of
participants is less than or equal to the number of
participants displayed, each participant can see all the
other participants.
Table 4-4: Conference Properties - General (Continued)
Field/Option Description