MGC Manager User’s Guide - Volume I
Sync Counters
Channel - The channel type.
Source - The name of the participant currently viewed by this
participant. In a Software Continuous Presence conference,
the Source displays the names of the participants currently
viewed in the Video Layout window.
Position - The video layout position indicates the place of
each participant as they appear on-screen during an On
Going Software Continuous Presence conference. For
example: In the 2 x 2 Video Layout window, participant Josh,
is indicated by a small blue box in the top left corner of the
In all other conferences the Position indicator is a blue
square, and the participant’s position is not indicated.
The position each participant occupies can be defined in the
Conference Properties - Video Sources window. If no video
forcing is applied (Auto Select), the system assigns
participants to the video windows randomly.
There are three stages in the synchronization that occur
during the connection between the endpoint and the MCU:
Video Switch, Protocol and Video Intra. These
synchronization aspects indicate whether the video
information has been correctly transmitted and received
between the endpoint the MCU. The system indicates if there
was any problem in any of the synchronization stages
between the endpoint and the MCU. Check marks in any of
the check boxes indicate that the system failed to
synchronize, and the cause of the failure.
Video Switch - Video Switch is a certain pattern (sequence)
of bits in the video information. The identification of this
pattern is used for the first stage in the synchronization
process. Once the synchronization is established, the system
moves to the next stage in the synchronization process. This
option is checked when there is a problem in the first stage of
the synchronization. The counter indicates the number of
times the system tried to synchronize.
Table 5-15: IP Participant Connection Info1 - Channel Status (Continued)
Field/Option Description