Chapter 5 - Monitoring Conferences
• To modify the order of columns, select and drag the column labels to the
desired location.
• To sort items in a column, click a column heading once for descending
order, and click again to sort the items in ascending order.
Listing Conference Properties
The properties of an On Going Conference can be viewed in the Status pane
or in the Monitor pane of the main window. The Status pane enables you to
view the properties of a single conference or list all On Going Conferences
(without participant details), while the Monitor pane enables you to view
several conferences simultaneously, and in detail. This pane displays
additional parameters and allows you to filter the information, for example to
display only those participants who require the operator’s assistance.
Viewing On Going Conference Status
In the On Going Conferences list, you can view all the conferences currently
running on the MCU. You can view the statuses of the conferences either by
expanding the On Going Conferences tree or by clicking the On Going
Conferences icon. The system simultaneously lists all the activated
conferences and Entry Queues.
To display conference information in the Status pane:
1. In the MGC Manager window Browser pane, expand the MCU tree.
2. Expand the On Going Conferences icon to view the list of currently
running conferences.