Chapter 3 - MGC Manager Basics
Commands Shortcut Keys
Shortcut keys can be configured to quickly accomplish tasks you perform
frequently. For example, pressing <CTRL> + <D> terminates an On Going
Conference. For more details, see the MGC Administrator’s Guide,
Chapter 5.
The following table lists the default shortcut keys available in the MGC
Manager application.
Table 3-11: Command Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Keys Function
<Alt> + <C> Clears the participants listed in the Q&A queue.
<Ctrl> + <N> Creates a new Participant or Reservation Template file.
<Ctrl> + <O> Opens a Participant or Reservation Template file.
<Ctrl> + <S> Saves a Participant or Reservation Template file, or saves
changes to the database.
<Ctrl> + <C> Copies the On Going Conference, Reservation, Entry
Queue or Meeting Room properties to the clipboard or
copies the participant’s properties to the clipboard.
<Ctrl> + <X> Copies the conference or participant properties to the
clipboard while deleting the original item.
<Ctrl> + <V> Pastes participant properties from the clipboard into an On
Going Conference, Reservation, Conference Template
(template file or database) or Participant Template
(template file or database).
Pastes Conference properties from the clipboard to On
Going Conferences list, Reservations list, Entry Queue list,
Meeting Room list or Reservations database.