Chapter 4 - Setting Up Conferences
Entry Tone/Roll Call
Select this option to enable an audio tone to be
played when a participant (audio or video)
connects to the conference. This tone is heard by
all the participants currently connected to the
conference (but not by the connecting participant).
The tone is embedded in the MCU software.
Note: If Roll Call is enabled for the conference, the
Entry Tone is replaced by a playback of the
recorded participant name.
End Time Alert Tone Select this option to enable the End of Conference
reminder tone to be played once, to all the
connected participants, n minutes before the end of
the conference. This tone is unique and is
embedded in the MCU's software.
Note: If the automatic extension of the conference
is enabled for the MCU in the “confer.cfg” file,
selecting this option also enables the automatic
extension of the conference duration for this
conference. For more details see the MGC
Administrator’s Guide, Chapter 5, “MCU Utilities”.
Exit Tone/Roll Call
Select this option to enable an Exit Tone, to be
heard by all connected participants when a
participant leaves the conference. This tone is
unique and is embedded in the MCU's software.
Note: If Roll Call is enabled for the conference, the
Entry Tone is replaced by a playback of the
recorded participant name.
Talk Hold Time Indicate the minimum period, in seconds, that a
participant has to speak to become the main
speaker. During this period, no other participant is
allowed to become the main speaker. This
parameter is designed to prevent participants from
becoming the main speakers when coughing/
laughing or to prevent fast and frequent changes of
the main speakers.
Table 4-7: Conference Properties Advanced Settings - Media (Continued)
Field/Option Description