MGC Manager User’s Guide - Volume I
Audio Mix Depth Indicate how many of the loudest voices speaking
at the same time are heard. The value 3 indicates
that the three loudest participants speaking at the
same time are heard. The maximum number of
participants that can be mixed is 5.
(Interlaced Video
This encoding mechanism improves the video
quality in Video Switching conferences, that are set
to NTSC or to PAL resolution. Select one of the
available options:
• Auto
• PAL (50 fields)
• NTSC (60 fields)
• None (default)
• Select Auto to enable the Highest Common
mechanism. The Highest Common mechanism
is used when an endpoint using a Pro-Motion/
NTSC format enters a conference in which all
endpoints are set to Pro-Motion/PAL Interlaced
Video, or vice versa.
• When a conference is set to PAL or NTSC,
then the endpoints sending unsupported Pro-
Motion video (for example, NTSC instead of
PAL or vice versa) or that do not support Pro-
Motion resolution, will connect as Secondary
(audio only).
Table 4-7: Conference Properties Advanced Settings - Media (Continued)
Field/Option Description