Chapter 4 - Setting Up Conferences
Conference Types
The conference types available on the MGC Manager enable you to create
conferences according to specific requirements and configurations. The
following conference types are available:
• Standard - A standard conference includes all the audio and video
parameters. This type of conference is scheduled once, and when the
conference ends, it is deleted from the MCU. You can schedule a
recurring reservation with the same parameters for each reservation in
the series. Once defined, each of the reservations is treated as a single,
unique reservation that can be modified (except for its name) or deleted
from the MCU automatically when it ends or manually by the operator.
For a detailed description of regular and recurring Reservations, see
Chapter 9.
• Meeting Room - A Meeting Room is a conference without resource
allocation or starting date and time, that is defined once, but can be
activated many times. A Meeting Room remains in a passive state
between activations until the first participant connects to it and activates
the conference. When activated, it operates as a Standard On Going
Conference. This is one of the reservation-less methods used in the
system for on-demand conferencing. For a detailed description, see
Chapter 7.
• Operator - An Operator conference is a side conference that enables the
operator to assist participants, without disturbing the On Going
Conferences or being heard by other participants. The operator can move
participants from an Entry Queue, conference IVR queue, Participants
Queue, Welcome Queue (Greet and Guide), or an On Going Conference
to a private, one-on-one conversation in the Operator conference. An
Operator conference can have up to two participants only: the operator
and a participant. For a detailed description, see Chapter 8.
Both Standard and Meeting Room conferences have the same conference
parameters. The difference between them is the method by which they are
scheduled and started, and what happens to the conference once it ends.
For a description of various Lecture options that can be selected for Standard
and Meeting Room conferences, see Chapter 10, “Lecture and Presentation
Options”. Advanced video settings for both Standard and Meeting Rooms
conferences are described in the MGC Manager User’s Guide, Volume II,
Chapter 1, Advanced Conference Settings”.