Chapter 4 - Setting Up Conferences
To resolve a scheduling conflict:
1. In the Participants scheduling conflicts table, select an action:
a. Select the check boxes of non-conflicting participants in the
Requested Participants column, to retain these participants in the
currently scheduled conference,
b. Clear the check boxes of conflicting participants in the Requested
Participants column, to exclude these participants from the
currently scheduled conference.
2. Click one of the following option buttons:
• Include selected participants and schedule - Select this option to
allow the system to ignore the found conflict and to schedule the
• Back to reservation - Select this option to return to the current
conference definition without scheduling the conference and to
redefine the conference parameters.
• Cancel scheduling - Select this option to cancel the current
conference definition without defining a new On Going Conference.
Conf. Type Indicates the conference type:
• Res. — Reservation
• Conf. — On Going Conference
Start Time Date and start time of each conference.
End Time Date and termination time of each conference.
Table 4-14: Participants Scheduling Conflicts window (Continued)
Field/Option Description
The MGC Manager application checks for conflicts on the MCU on which the
conference is being scheduled, while the WebCommander application checks
for conflicts on multiple MCUs.