Chapter 5 - Monitoring Conferences
Monitoring ISDN/ATM/MPI/T1_CAS Participants
Using the Participant Properties dialog box, you can verify the properties of
an ISDN participant. The Identification, Advanced, Connection Info1,
Connection Info2, Resource Details, Disconnection Cause, H221 (or another
used protocol) and Video Sources tabs contain information that is relevant to
the participant status only while the conference is running and is used to
monitor the participant’s status when connection problems occur.
For a detailed description of the participant properties that are set up in the
Identification and Advanced tabs, see Chapter 4, ”ISDN/ATM/MPI/T1-CAS
Participant Definition” on page 4-102.
To view and modify the participant's properties during a conference:
1. In the Participant Properties dialog box, click the Identification tab.