MGC Manager User’s Guide - Volume I
Counters Status
Indicates the synchronization status.
• l-sync loss () - Checked when there is a general
synchronization problem with the MCU.
• r-sync loss () - Checked when there is a general
synchronization problem with the participant site.
• l-video sync loss () - Checked when there is a
video synchronization problem in the MCU.
• r-video sync loss () - Checked when there is a
video synchronization problem in the
participant's endpoint.
The counter indicates the number of times the
system tried to synchronize. When the
synchronization is lost, an exclamation point (!)
appears on the Conference icon and the Participant
Down Speed Downspeeding occurs during call setup and is an
automatic process performed by the MCU. During
call setup, Downspeeding allows Bonded calls to
connect with missing or unsynchronized channels
by excluding these channels from the call setup
process. This results in a lower line rate for the
connection. However if the channels are restored
the original line speed is restored.
Downspeeding is supported in Continuous Presence
and Transcoding video sessions only. The
Downspeed process is enabled and disabled in the
“system.cfg” file.
When Down Speed is activated, three types of
messages can be displayed:
• Downspeeding - Downspeed is in progress.
• Downspeeded - The process is completed.
• Empty - The process is inactive.
Chair Token When checked, indicates that the participant is
holding the Chair Token.
FECC/LSD Token When checked, indicates that the participant is
holding the Data Token.
Table 5-10: ISDN Participant Properties - Connection Info1 (Continued)
Field/Parameter Description