Table of Contents
ISDN Participants ................................................................ 8-19
H.323 Participant ................................................................. 8-19
SIP Participants ................................................................... 8-21
Enabling Entry Queue Access for Conferences ................................ 8-22
Using an Existing Entry Queue to Define a Target Conference ....... 8-24
Operator Conferences ........................................................................ 8-28
Operator Functions Requiring an Active Operator Conference 8-28
Defining an On Going Operator Conference ............................. 8-30
Defining an Operator Reservation ............................................. 8-35
Starting an Operator Conference from a Reservation Template 8-36
Attended Conferencing ...................................................................... 8-38
The Participant’s Queue Window .............................................. 8-39
Listing Participants in the Participants Queue Window ............ 8-40
Using Participants Queue Filters ......................................... 8-42
The Attended Participants Dialog Box ...................................... 8-47
Attended Participants Management ................................................... 8-59
Performing Operations using the Right-Click Menu ................. 8-61
Moving a Participant to the Operator Conference .............. 8-61
Moving a Participant to the Home Conference ................... 8-62
Placing a Participant On Hold ............................................. 8-65
Performing Operations using the Participants Queue Toolbar .. 8-66
Performing Operations using Shortcut Keys ............................. 8-67
Moving a Participant Interactively ............................................ 8-68
Moving a Participant to the Operator Conference by
Double-Clicking the Participant’s Icon ..................................... 8-68
Moving Multiple Participants to the Home Conference ............ 8-69
Conference Reservations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
Defining a New Reservation ............................................................... 9-3
Completing the Reservation Definition ................................. 9-7
Listing the Current Reservations ......................................................... 9-8
Reservations Icons ....................................................................... 9-8
Deleting a Reservation ...................................................................... 9-10
Rescheduling Reservations ............................................................... 9-11