Chapter 3-Video Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing
Polycom, Inc. 3-19
• Base Profile - Endpoints that do not support H.264 High Profile connect at these
minimum threshold bit rates.
• High Profile - Endpoints that support H.264 High Profile connect at these minimum
threshold bit rates.
Although the default minimum threshold bit rates provide acceptable video quality, the
use of higher bit rates usually results in better video quality.
Base Profile / High Profile Resolution Slider Panes
The Base Profile and High Profile sliders operate in the same manner as that described for the
Sharpness and Motion sliders. For more information see the example in the section: "Sharpness
/ Motion Resolution Slider Panes” on page 3-16.
Flag Settings
Setting the Maximum CP Resolution for Conferencing
The MAX_CP_RESOLUTION flag value is applied to the system during First-time Power-up
and after a system upgrade. The default value is HD1080p60.
All subsequent changes to the Maximum CP Resolution of the system are made by selections
in the Max Resolution pane of the Resolution Configuration dialog box.
Depending on the type of Media card(s) installed, the Maximum CP Resolution of the RMX
can be set to one of the following resolutions:
MPM Cards MPM+ / MPMx Cards
HD 720p30 HD 1080p60
SD 30 HD 720p30
SD 15 SD 30
CIF 30 CIF 30