Polycom, Inc. 11-1
Conference Templates
Conference Templates enable administrators and operators to create, save, schedule and
activate identical conferences.
A Conference Template:
• Saves the conference Profile.
• Saves all participant parameters including their Personal Layout and Video Forcing
• Simplifies the setting up Telepresence conferences where precise participant layout and
video forcing settings are crucial.
• The maximum number of templates is:
— RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1500 — 100
— RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 2000 — 100
— RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 4000 — 200
• A maximum of 200 participants can be saved in a Conference Template when the RMX is
in MPM+ or MPMx mode. When the RMX is in MPM (RealPresence Collaboration
Server (RMX) 2000) mode, the maximum is 80 participants.
• If the RMX is switched to from MPM+ or MPMx mode to MPM
(RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 2000) mode, conference templates may
include more participants than the allowed maximum in MPM mode.
Trying to start a Conference Template that exceeds the allowed maximum number of
participants will result in participants being disconnected due to resource deficiency.
• If the Profile assigned to a conference is deleted while the conference is ongoing the
conference cannot be saved as a template.
• A Profile assigned to a Conference Template cannot be deleted. The system does not
permit such a deletion.
• Profile parameters are not embedded in the Conference Template, and are taken from the
Profile when the Conference Template becomes an ongoing conference. Therefore, any
changes to the Profile parameters between the time the Conference Template was created
and the time that it is activated (and becomes an ongoing conference) will be applied to
the conference.
• Only defined participants can be saved to the Conference Template. Before saving a
conference to a template ensure that all undefined participants have disconnected.
• Undefined participants are not saved in Conference Templates.
From Version 7.1, MPM media cards are not supported.